
Worst Holiday Season Fails on Pinterest

BY Dec, 17 2018
Category: Ned's Picks
Reading Time: < 1 minute
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image of burnt sugar cookies on a sheet pan

Pinterest is the perfect place for the crafty homeowner to find holiday decoration inspiration for everything from creative wreaths to out-of-the-box desserts. Even with the best plans and intentions, some D.I.Y-ers take on projects that are outside of their skill level. An ambitious crafter is often a good thing even when the finished product is not. Regardless if you call them flops, disasters, or utter embarrassments, the final results are always hilarious. We at Ned Stevens love Pinterest fails for the same reason crafters do. Not out of malice, but because these blunders feel far too familiar. Laugh (or cringe) with us at our favorite holiday season Pinterest fails.

These holiday D.I.Y fails may be funny, but a gutter clogged with debris is no joke. Leaves and branches from nearby trees lodge in your gutters and stop the proper flow of rainwater away from your home. This tiny hiccup causes a long list of home damages such as cracked foundations and pest infestations. Let Ned Steven eliminate any potential headaches. Our gutter cleaning professionals are ready to keep your gutters in top condition. With over 55 years of experience, you can enjoy the holidays without the worry of an impending home disaster. Unfortunately, we can’t help you make your gingerbread cookies look more like people and less like blobs.

Interested? Call today and receive $25 off your first Ned Stevens Gutter Cleaning®.

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