
The Effects of Fall on Your Home

BY Sep, 25 2012
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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fall weather will cause gutter blockage

The dog days of summer are over and as the weather turns brisker, the job of the homeowner becomes a little tougher.  It’s called fall for a reason and around this time of year in the Northeast leaves drop hastily from their branches onto roofs where they are washed into gutters with the rains.

The Effects of Fall on Your Home

We can blame Mother Nature, as she controls the change in temperature and reduction in sunlight that makes our lush deciduous trees shed their leaves.  Sure, it may be nice to look at the vast array of jewel-toned foliage dancing across the sky, but after one swift gust of wind, the beauty quickly subsides into an endless barrage of heavy, wet yard work.

As the leaves begin to fall, it is important for homeowners to regularly have their gutters checked and cleaned at least three times during the autumn season. The constant descent of leaves can yield blockages within your gutter system, causing your home’s gutters to back up with water and water damage to occur to your home’s foundation, landscape, and siding. The mold and mildew caused by the moisture created by clogged gutters can also eat away at siding and rot interior wood within a home’s walls.

Understanding Water Damage

Water damage is not fun and neither is replacing your whole gutter system. For that reason, it’s beneficial to execute proper maintenance of your gutters in order to prevent the buildup of heavy, wet leaves in your eaves. The weight associated with soggy foliage and water from the clogs is more than enough to knock your gutters off pitch.

Take Action Today

Simply avoid the hassle, ladders, and dirty work by having one of our knowledgeable gutter cleaning professionals come out and take a look at your system. Interested in saving money? Check out our Diamond Service Plan and receive free roof sweeps of loose leaves and debris with purchase! Isn’t it time that you enjoy the fall foliage?

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