
Ned’s Picks: 2019 Fall Gardening Favorites

BY Sep, 12 2019
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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Ned’s Picks: 2019 Fall Gardening Favorites

Who doesn’t love gardening? The smell of soil, the trowel in your hand, or that feeling of accomplishment after a long day. It’s one of the best parts of the Spring and Summer, right? It’s a shame that when August rolls around that planting season is behind us. While we’re here to offer you our favorite fall gardening tips, don’t mistake your gutters for planters. Read on to find out more!

Well, contrary to popular consensus, Fall can be a great time to work in the garden. With warmer ground and more growing days, autumn creates the perfect conditions for planting flowers, grass, vegetables and trees to flourish. 

Planting isn’t just something you do in the Spring. You can do it in the Fall. And you can plant a lot of the same types of vegetation you would during the spring. So what should you plant in the fall?


Peonies are one of the most common and adored perennials. They are a hearty crops that can thrive almost anywhere in the USA. Some peonies have been known to bloom for 100 years or more with little or no attention. 

When planting peonies in the Fall make sure they are carefully watered until the ground freezes. At least 1 inch of water per week will ensure their roots are healthy and strong. 


Fall is a great time to give your lawn a thorough regeneration. During Autumn the soil is still warm from the Summer sun. The combination of heated soil with cooler days and evenings create the ideal environment to cultivate grass seed. Consider planting new turfgrass like Kentucky Bluegrass or Perennial Ryegrass. 

Make sure that you plant the grass seed at least 45 days before your first frost. You can look up expected frost days to help you find the best time. 

Cool Season Veggies 

A garden is way more than flowers and bushes. One of our favorite things about gardening is eating the spoils of our labors. Because they have a short maturity time, greens like swiss chard, lettuce and spinach are great options for Fall gardening. Plant it 4-6 weeks before the first frost to ensure success. 

You can extend the length of your growing season by investing in floating row covers or cold frames. And many root crops are actually sweeter when they’re harvested after a frost. 

There’s So Much More 

Of course there’s other chores you can do to ensure a bountiful spring. Spend time deadheading flowers and removing plants that no longer bloom. You can split up your perennials and start planting spring flowering bulbs. And don’t forget to start bringing your house plants indoors. 

It’s a Versatile Season

Fall is a versatile season for planting, but there are certain plants to leave for the spring. Slow-rooting trees and flowers, such as oak, azalea and magnolia, are best left until spring for proper planting. Nonetheless, you can still transform your yard in fall with flowers, perennials and other vegetables for your best spring garden yet.

Make sure your gutters don’t turn into a planter – ensure yours are clear of debris with regular gutter cleaning from the pros at Ned Stevens. Call today and save $25 on your first cleaning. Not new to Ned but still looking to save? Get $50 off your first time on our annual Diamond Service Plan!

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