
How To Cross Off Gutter Cleaning From Your 2019 To Do List

BY Dec, 17 2018
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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gutter cleaning technician hand reaching into gutter to remove leaves using gloved hand

Every New Year’s Eve, you write down a long list of resolutions for the upcoming year. Regardless if it’s eating healthier or traveling more, the primary goal of a resolution is to take steps towards personal life goals. Somewhere along the way, the everyday minutiae of daily routine gets in the way of completing them.
The gutter cleaning professionals at Ned Stevens are here to help. We want to cross gutter cleaning off your 2019 home maintenance to do list with one easy step. Signing up for a Ned Stevens Diamond Service Plan will ensure your home’s gutter systems are correctly working all year long. With this task out of the way, you can focus on making sure nothing gets in-between you and your resolutions.

All Year Coverage

Every season throughout the year offers up new dangers to your home and your home’s gutter system. A Ned Stevens Diamond Service Plan gives you all year gutter cleaning coverage. Six cleanings from our gutter cleaning professionals will safeguard your home from any damage from January to December. Carefully timed to guarantee proper coverage, you can rest easy knowing your gutters are cleared of debris. There is no need to take a break away from crossing off bucket list items. Our professionals can finish the job while you’re at work or on vacation.
With over 55 years of experience, you can relax knowing we make sure the job is done right.

Extra Discounted Services

A clean gutter goes a long way in protecting your house from the elements. Unfortunately, other unforeseen accidents can occur without warning. We love gutters at Ned Stevens, but it’s not all we do. From replacing all your outdoor light bulbs and clearing out a clogged dryer vent to soft-washing patios/roofs/and siding, you’ll receive discounted prices for our extra non-gutter services with a Ned Stevens Diamond Service Plan. Home maintenance hassles such as these may feel like small tasks, but nipping it in the bud before they blossom into more significant issues will save you days of future headaches.

Firm Day Scheduling

With the Ned Stevens Diamond Service Plan, we work around your schedule.

Don’t take time off from working towards your New Year’s resolutions. The Diamond Service Plan comes with “Firm Date” scheduling. With weather permitting, you’ll receive your gutter cleaning services on the days that work best for you. Even during our busy fall season, you’ll know your home is getting the protection you want when you want it. If any damage to your gutters occurs, you’ll receive both Next Day and Same Day emergency services with your Diamond Service Plan.
Gutters are the unsung heroes of your home. They divert rainwater away from your home to prevent pooling around your foundation. When clogged with debris, this can lead to problems no homeowner wants such as a cracked foundation and pest infestation. Let Ned Stevens and the Ned Stevens Diamond Service Plan keep your home protected.

While you’re out in the world enjoying your New Year’s resolutions, Ned Stevens will be here keeping your biggest investment safe.
Interested in a Ned Stevens Diamond Service Plan? Call today and receive $50 off for first-time customers.

With the new year around the corner, make sure to mark gutters off your checklist with Ned Stevens. If you’ve missed your fall cleaning, call us today to learn how to get back on track!

Get $50 Off First Time Diamond Plan!


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